The alpaca is a relative of the camel, which has lived in the Peruvian Andes for thousands of years.  In that time, the alpaca has adapted to the harsh mountain extremes, climate, and conditions those mountains offer. Alpaca wool is considered to be among the best out there as it is not only durable, water resistant, but also much softer than sheep's wool for use in everything from sweaters and blankets to jackets.  It retains heat and is pleasant to the touch, and unlike many synthetic fibres, alpaca wool holds warmth and its strength even when wet.   What's more is being a natural, renewable resource, alpaca wool isn't made from petroleum by-products, so it's gentle to the ecosystem.

As people become more environmentally conscientious, alpaca is valued even more, not only because of the quality of clothing it is used to make, but also because the animals that produce the wool can live in extreme climates such as the Andes, thus providing a humane, sustainable product that has far greater impact on the environment than cotton or wool.

Alpacas are happy to graze in their mountain habitats until time comes for them to be sheared.  And just like the fine coat that keeps alpacas warm, you can expect that your alpaca jacket will provide the same comfort and safety that protects these animals, as well as the locals, from the temperature extremes expereinced at high mountain altitudes.  

With so many designs to choose from to suit your tastes, you can rest assured that your selection will always be unique, as well as stylish and comfortable.  The added bonus being that these alpaca jackets are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also rugged enough to handle just about any kind of situation, indoors and out.  In a variety of styles, colors, sizes, and cuts, you can't go wrong.

Contact us if you want to get the best wool nature can provide. 


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