Peruvian Silver Jewelry
Peruvian artisans and their stunning creations are being recognized and appreciated by adornment lovers from the region as well as others across the globe, helping Peru to flourish and leave a growing impact on international fashion tendencies.
Peru jewelry today is available in a wide variety of beautiful styles and colors. The styles may reflect the rich heritage of Inca or Pre-Inca cultures, such as the Moche Civilization or the Chavin art. The hundreds of archaeological excavations in Peru have provided rich forage for today's jewelry artists.
But the jewelry itself is not limited to just reflecting antique art styles of the early cultures. Peru is the second largest producer of silver in the world and a home country to many talented jewelry craftsmen and designers.
The history of silver craftsmanship in this region goes back a long way and the tradition in making individual pieces using unique techniques has been passed on through generations. The peculiarity of those pieces is that they hold a specific meaning, representing Peruvian culture and dedication for this profession.
Ilaria Peru is a Peruvian brand that uses sterling silver as well as natural gemstones, beads, and seeds for its creations. It is positioned as a synonym of ELEGANCE, QUALITY, AND DESIGN.
Ilaria has several lines: Tahuantinsuyo, Hana Pacha, Wari, Atenas, Poseidon, Marrakesh, etc.
Each piece goes through a rigorous quality control and only after passing all the stages, the product is sealed with the ILARIA logo.
If you want to learn more about Peruvian Silver check: