Learn About Alpaca
Today, a world concerned about the environment and its sustainability has the opportunity to know and understand the importance of Alpacas and their fiber.
We want to present the WHY ALPACA concept, which will allow many people to understand the contribution of Alpacas to the environment and its sustainability.
Due to alpaca’s unique properties, many luxury brands have chosen the fiber to manufacture high-quality fashion garments. But beyond that, wearing an alpaca garment has a deeper meaning.
Wide range of products
The fineness of the alpaca fiber ranges from 18 microns to more than 35 microns, which makes it possible to produce everything from extremely fine and light products to thick blankets with superior thermal performance.
Alpaca feet do not damage the pasture.
In contrast to goats and sheep, which have sharp hooves that damage pasture and soil, alpacas have two toes with toenails on top and a soft pad on the bottom of each foot that minimizes their effect on pastureland. In other words, the grass system is not disturbed by alpacas, allowing the soil and their habitat to remain intact.

Alpacas do not use the land or water destined for food production.
The natural habitat of alpacas is about 3,800 meters above sea level. At this altitude, the water supply is natural and the land is generally not suitable for agriculture. This makes alpacas more environmentally friendly than all other fiber-producing livestock that often contributes significantly to serious environmental problems. Vegetable fibers also represent a problem for the environment. For example, in Australia, 2,830 liters of water are needed to produce 1 kg of cotton.
Alpacas are gentle with the land
The efficiency of alpacas is especially notable considering that they require much less food intake than most other fiber-producing livestock. Cashmere goats, for example, require at least two times the amount of dry grass that alpacas need to produce 1 kg of clean fiber.